Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to improve students’ Performance Essay

The success of any educational system is crowned by the success of the students in their academic performance. Every classroom layout and school structure should therefore be created to provide the most intrinsic way with which the learners can be motivated toward the learning process which consequently implies their good performance. Many schools and learning institutions have captured the interest of the student success as the central point which therefore provides a future benchmark for a continued strong portfolio in the academic context in the community. An important process which can provide a stepping stone towards students’ success is that of classroom organization which implies that the learning needs of every student are catered for within the dimensions of their placement within the classroom setup. Majority of the learning and classroom organization involves various assessment methods with which students can be evaluated of the learning and academic achievement levels. Tutors are required that they collect various information that can be extracted from the assessment methods and consequently analyze it which they can therefore use to create the most lucrative methods of advice and strategies that align with the demands and needs of their academic achievement (http://www. rmcdenver. com/useguide/assessme/reflect. htm). The foremost precept which can be employed in evaluating the level of success by a student is a cordial evaluation and interpretation between whatever content that a student could have mastered and that which has not in order to intuitively evaluate the area of concern which needs improvement. The choice of re-teaching a certain area of concern that has already been taught to students requires an evaluation on the number of students that have mastered the section or those that have not mastered the same. In the event of a large number having successively mastered such an area of concern, the remaining small group can be grouped in some group works and consequently accessed in terms of re-teaching or offering them with assignments. The general theory of learning provides that success or failure of a student in the learning process depends on the statutory context of the materials and resources that are offered to him/her as learning aids and the effort that the teacher applies in instilling educational competence and learning to the students. From this description, we can internalize two important aspects that underlie the primary basics towards the academic success of the student. First, is the level and content of the educational resources that are provided for the student in the learning process. Secondly, is the degree and scope of efforts and teacher commitment towards the teaching process in the classroom. From these two premises, we can delineate that students should be offered with the most adequate and promissory facilities and resources that provide them with a hub of fountain learning environment. Either, the efforts and the level of teacher commitment is of necessity important in leveraging a promising success in the student achievement in the learning process (http://www. rmcdenver. com/useguide/assessme/reflect. htm). As an important component, it goes without saying that the role of each participant in the learning context of the student is one such an important aspect that provides a likelihood of parametric concern in the students’ success. In this context, various key role players including the teachers, parents, the student themselves and the school boards are all fundamental in laying foundations and framework with which the student success can be supported. Therefore, each should play their respective roles in the most resilient manner which consequently provides an ideal environment for the student’s success.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Graffiti and vandalism acts in our community Essay

Introduction Graffiti and vandalism are a major blight on communities. Vandalism can lead to important services, such as public telephones, being damaged so that they don’t work, or removed, for example bus shelters, to protect from further harm. Vandalism can make the environment untidy, and graffiti can be offensive. All of these things contribute to an air of decline, and can lead to people fearing crime more. Acts of vandalism can include breaking windows, smashing up payphones, and graffiti. Many incidents of vandalism and graffiti are not reported. This is often because it is against private property and the victims do not consider it serious enough to tell the police, or think that the police won’t be able to do anything about it, or find the culprit. Sometimes, the people who own the property (for example, the gas board) are based a long way away, and never see the damage to complain about it. Vandalism and graffiti are a criminal offence under the Criminal Damage Act 1971. The penalty for vandalism and graffiti is a maximum fine of 500 and/ or 3 months in prison if the value of damage is less than 000. The court can also make a compensation order. Possessing equipment with intent to cause damage is also an offence, and, if intent can be proven to the court, spray paint would be included as such equipment. Types of graffiti There are many different types of graffiti: Tagging: this is perhaps the most frequent type of graffiti. People have their own signs, or ‘tags’, which identify them. These are put in as many places as possible to show that the writer has been there, to mark out their territory. ‘Pieces’ are the larger pictures, more traditionally associated with graffiti. These can have some artistic merit in the correct context. Glass etching: sometimes also called ‘Dutch graffiti’. This is where people scratch into glass, for example on a bus or train, with a sharp implement like a stone or bottle top. Writing slogans: these are often just sprayed onto large walls, and are often designed to be offensive. They may be racist, sexist or homophobic. Other slogans may be political. Who vandalises or graffitis? Young people are associated with a great many incidents of vandalism and graffiti. The scribbling of names and more simple ‘tags’ are known to come from children and young people. Many use felt-tips, or other commonly available materials. Other people are also involved – telephone boxes may be vandalised by people trying to get money out of them; political activists may write their slogans on blank walls or conventional artists may use graffiti in their art. Why do people do it? Here are some of the reasons why people graffiti: Offenders gain pleasure from finishing a piece of graffiti without getting caught and then afterwards from the permanence of their work. The problem grows as other vandals follow and what started as a single ‘tag’ ends up as a wall covered in graffiti. Young people’s eagerness to mark their territory. This can take on a more sinister form when gangs use it to stake out a claim to an area or to intimidate the local community and potential rivals. It can be because people see nothing better to do, or they want to be daring. Peer pressure can lead to people, especially younger people, doing things they would not normally do. This is made worse by the use of graffiti in youth culture, for example in advertising and music. Spaces are built with little consideration for design, so that large blank walls become enormous ‘canvases’. Problems caused by vandalism and graffiti The problems of vandalism and graffiti go much further than the obvious costs of repairs and cleaning. It causes fear of crime and a sense of insecurity. There is evidence that people’s fear of crime is influenced by their impression of public spaces which are dingy and run down because of vandalism, litter and graffiti. Graffiti can make people feel threatened and vulnerable, particularly if it is racist, sexist or homophobic. The ‘Broken Windows Theory’, developed in America, suggests that if a broken window is not repaired, other windows will soon be broken in response to the message that no one cares. It is argued that more broken windows or greater vandalism will influence the way people perceive crime in the area and will assume that other crime is also on the increase. What can I do about it? Investment to tackle graffiti and vandalism has to be long-term. If it is cut back when the problem starts to improve, the problem will come back. What can we do about vandalism? As with graffiti, repairing the damage as soon as it is done can deter vandals from causing further damage. When the vandalism is to property, securing empty houses with metal screens over the doors and windows can be effective, but this does advertise the fact that the house is empty and can encourage vandals. It also adds to the  air of disrepair in an area, and makes people feel less safe. Video recordings of incidents can be used to alert parents and can be used as evidence in court. What can we do about graffiti? Research shows that the best way to deal with graffiti and stop it coming back is to clear it up immediately. However, there are a great many websites for displaying photos of graffiti so the perpetrators may not be that worried about their graffiti being removed, as they get recognition this way. Cleaning up graffiti is something your community could get involved in. Tenants’ and residents’ groups often have volunteer ‘graffiti squads’. If yours doesn’t, why not suggest it at the next meeting? Some councils offer free paint to people who want to paint over graffiti in their neighbourhood. You could suggest your council does this. Another idea is providing a legal site where people are allowed to graffiti. There are mixed views on such graffiti walls or zones. There is some evidence that they bring their own problems, as graffiti tends to spread out to surrounding walls. Also, it is unlikely to stop users doing illegal graffiti elsewhere. Young people are attracted to legal graffiti zones because they don’t have to rush and don’t have to constantly be afraid of being caught. They have time to produce a good piece of work. However, most young people prefer to tag whereas the owners of the wall or site usually prefer pictures. Another problem is young people graffiti-ing on their way to or from the legal graffiti site. One project got round this by providing all the paint on site. Innovative designs of walls, with more windows or unusual materials may help, as it reduces the amount of ‘blank canvas’ available. Even better is to have railings instead of walls where possible, as this not only limits the possibility of graffiti, but also increases natural surveillance, making people feel safer. Where large walls are inevitable, for example around an industrial site, using murals to decorate the walls may stop people putting their own ‘pictures’ there. If public art is not a possibility, using vegetation, for example ivies and creepers, can help with stopping people graffiti. It also makes the area look more attractive. Other ways to limit graffiti and vandalism in your neighbourhood include: Educating young people about the impact which graffiti and vandalism have on the wider community (e.g. making people feel unsafe, costing millions of pounds a year to fix and clean up) Young people are often unaware of the cost of cleaning up graffiti or repairing criminal damage. They need to know that it is unacceptable and is taken seriously. Helping find other things for young people to do [link to yp section] What can schools and youth services do? Schools or youth groups can ‘adopt’ badly vandalised areas, such as subways or playgrounds, keeping them clean and well looked-after. These schemes work best where young people can get involved in the design or creation of the area themselves, for example by creating a mural or planting trees. The same approach has been used successfully by targeting groups of young people who are thought to be responsible for some of the damage. Detached youth workers can make contact with the young people and establish what they would like to do instead. A practical construction project often appeals. There are many examples of successful projects where young people have taken pride in what they have created and ensured that it stays vandal-free. What can others do to help? Agencies owning buildings or utilities which are prone to vandalism can assess the location and design of these to see if vandalism can be reduced. Measures might include: Demolishing unused buildings, or finding a temporary use for them (such as a youth centre). Relocating services, e.g. phone boxes and bus stops, so that they are closer to other facilities where they may be less prone to vandalism. Better damage-reporting procedures and quicker repair. Target-hardening, e.g. better lighting, toughened glass, graffiti-resistant paint. Authorising graffiti in some areas, e.g. graffiti walls. Probation service community service schemes may be able to help with repairs and graffiti removal. Under the Crime & Disorder Act, the court can require offenders to repair damage done by imposing a Reparation Order.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Whats the Relationship Between Communication and Identity

Communication and identity, many wonder if these words come together? Or wether or not they can work in accord ? Most people would testify different, but in all actuality they can and do more often than one expect, depending on which channels you use and in which context, the way you communicate along with your identity will undergo some modifications, and that without forgetting to include what a big role your gender, social, and cultural identities plays in that as well .As a source to reinforce my theory in this paper I will discuss what I've learned but not limited from Chapter one and two of Communication in a Changing World by Bethami A. Dobkin & Roger C. Pace but also will add one or two real life examples about the relationship between communication and identity, and also has a conclusion this paper will discuss the differences in when I communicate with gender, cultural and social identities in both a face-to-face and online environments.By definition to communicate is to cr eate and share meaning through the use of symbol (The words, images, gestures, and expressions that we use to represent our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and feelings. ) through a distinctive process, whereas identity is the conception of yourself as a member of group or category (Dobkin & Pace, 2006). The relationship between communication and identity is normal when communicating is usually from a social standpoint. The things we mostly communicate about our identity are either but not limited to how we feel or the way we would like to come off to others.Communication is another form of representation. A lot of the times, we associate ourselves with either who we are or who we want to be. It is also what we go through or what we envision that determine the way we respond or what we say to others. For example, sex can very well determine your occupation and age can determine your hobbies or recreations. Sexual orientation can determine who your friends are and the places you will hang out and ethnicity can determine your opinions or the ethnicity of your peers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Amazing Paintings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Amazing Paintings - Essay Example The essay "Amazing Paintings" talks about the term golden and describes the main figures regarding the golden selection like a pentagram, golden rhombus, a golden ration and rhombic triacontahedron. The Golden ratio is denoted by Ã'„ (â€Å"phi†) which were first used by Mark Barri in the beginning of the 20th century in the remembrance of the Greek Sculptor Phidias, who was claimed by a number of historians who made extensive use of the golden ratio in his work. Philosopher Heinrich Agrippa a German magician came up with a drawing of a man over a pentagram in the 16th century inside a circle which denoted a relationship to the golden ratio. An Italian artistLeonardo da Vinci at around 1466- 1476 gave an illustration of polyhedra on the divine quantity and his views of bodily quantities to display the golden ratio which made some scholars speculate. Mondrian also used the golden sections in his geometrical paintings widely. Vitruvian Man is a drawing created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1490. Salvador Dali, Spanish nationalist swans reflecting elephant in1937. Piet Mondrian major painting works were Museum of Modern, Art in New York City and Post-impressionist work in 1908. He was a Dutch nationality. Mondrian who was born in Amersfoort, Netherlands, was introduced to an art by his father at the tender age he used to draw and paint along the River Gain. The four outlined lengths are in terms of the golden ratio which is used in illustrating the el egant and mathematical nature of pentagram.

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Globalization - Essay Example Majority of the working mothers seek help from day care centres so that they can work more independently without any responsibility or hassel. (Darling, 2003, 290) They do not get enough time to teach moral and cultural values to their children. It is not much about ethnicity of mothers, but more about the economical, social and cultural back ground they belong. For example, children of separated or diviced parents seem to be more insecure and less confident. Such children are used by their parents to get their motives. Seperated parents use their children to justify their break ups. (Stoll, 2000, 202) When a child experiences all this happening around him, that makes him feel no body loves or want to have them in the whole world. When such children grow up they tend to have more apprehension and aggression and are more expected as grown ups to get into similar type of weak relationships. This has been observed that the rate of poverty is much lesser in married couples that is nearly 5.7%; as compare to single-parent family that is nearly 33.4%. Single mothers end up in getting welfare dependent. Single parent welfare programs and policies are a major cause of traditional nuclear family collapse and they contribute in lowering work and responsible conduct on part of parents. (Charles, Nickie, 2002, 02) Such programmes have also caused a sky scraping rate of break ups, which eventually results in even greater number of welfare recipients, a high rate of poor health conditions, crime, and behavioral dilemmas, lesser interest in education and add to the possibility of obstacles in future for such persons. Statistics reveals that children who are brought up in a single-parent family are more expected to be deprived and encounter more psychological and behavioral difficulties in life. They are more likely to start substance addition and get involved in criminal activities later in life. (Maccoby & Martin,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

MARKETING - Essay Example In the present day, the motive behind production is no more about searching customer but delighting customers through path of customization and research. According to the American Marketing Association, Marketing is â€Å"an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and managing customer relationship is a way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders† (AMA, 2004). Financial success fully depends upon right marketing. Corporate goals are achieved through meeting customer needs and delighting customer expectancy and right marketing is the way to it. Right marketing is obtained through research oriented planning and execution of those marketing strategy effectively. Ten types of entities can be marketed by marketers to these categories of market. These entities include properties, services, organization, events, place, goods, information, experiences, persons, and ideas. All organizations that work under this umbrella need marketing to sustain in ever rising competitive market of the present day. Due to the affects of globalization, changing technology, deregulations, privatization, customer empowerment, customization, increasing competition, there has been a remarkable change in behavior of market. It is facing new challenges and new opportunities with changing environment. Even market leaders like GE, Microsoft, Walt Mart, Intel, and Nike are kept on their toes. In order to ensure sustainable development, the companies need to remain flexible and adaptable to the external situations. Marketing function survives on its fundamental core concepts as well as changing trends. Its fundamental concepts include needs which are basic requirements of an individual and can comprise of stated needs, unstated needs, real needs, secret needs, and delighted needs, whereas want and demand are specific needs towards a particular object (Kotler & Keller,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Role of social media for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role of social media for business - Essay Example All this information is of great value to websites that we visit. Social networks operate on the development of tools to help marketers reach their goals through a time where people spend a significant penalty of their time in the use of these sites as Facebook Twitter Instagram etc. To begin with, social media helps to know the target customers, such as data that put by them in Facebook, such as age, nationality, geographical location, educational attainment, and tastes in entertainment choices and brands Favorites. All of these data allows marketers to get close to their customers and more than enable companies marketing their products easily. An example of this is the oil companies, Apple, television channels, magazines and newspapers companies, perfumes, makeup health tools, medicines and slimming products. Moreover, Social networking sites help to improve the quality because it can compare each company between its products and products of other companies and read peoples opinions and comments on networking sites. For example comparisons between Smartphone companies like Apple and Samsung. Not only the major companies that will promote itself through social networking sites, but also ordinary people who have small businesses or working from inside their homes and who cannot afford to pay huge amounts of money for advertising about their companies or do not have sufficient funds to support their business, So social media is a very effective tool for them. To support this fact I would like to share my own example. Two years back I started working as freelancer for cake decoration. I did not have enough sources to run my freelancing work but at that time social media helped me to reach at the people and I generated so many customers online for me. I started promoting my work on Instagram I open an account and I added some photographs of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Laughing leads to learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Laughing leads to learning - Essay Example Stambor makes a strong case for humor by quoting Johns Hopkins professor Ron Berk as saying that the use of comedy in the classroom â€Å"helps relieve fear and reduce anxiety." He also quotes Berk as saying that humor can relieve both the physical and psychological stress that students may feel from the pressure of succeeding in the classroom. Stambor also says that there is â€Å"a growing body of research† that humor can result in â€Å"boosting participation and increasing students' motivation to focus on the material.† ! While comedy can be helpful, Stamor also makes the important point that there are ways of using humor which are not useful. He says that researcher Melissa Bekelja Wanzer of Canisius College believes that â€Å"instructors who use distracting or inappropriate humor can actually interfere with students' learning.† Stamor quotes another scholar, Jennings Bryant from Alabama University, who says that â€Å"humor can be overdone to the point t hat students are so busy awaiting the next gag that they miss the teacher's message.† Referemces How laughing leads to learning, By Stambor, Zac, Monitor Staff June 2006, Vol 37, No. 6. Print version: page 62

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Innovation & Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Innovation & Enterprise - Essay Example Idea Development In every human being, there is a need to communicate. Communication is a necessity in the social life of the human race. Communication, in its many forms can be considered educational, informative as well as entertaining. Communication is facilitated by numerous media, but there is none that has enlisted interest from the world such as the internet. The internet facilitated communication of data in the form of sound, images and motion and live pictures making it an extremely high potential specialization area. Being a student under the computing field, I have realized the need for a means by which persons can communicate and exchange ideas freely with little or no limitation. I intend to start a photo sharing and interactive website that shall be used to facilitate communication and sharing of experience via sharing of photos. This choice of a business idea comes from the current trends in the social networking sector, with new and more advanced technologies coming u p every now and then. By market segmentation, I am able to focus on a particular group of young and energetic social networkers to whom the website is of great interest as well as advantage. The current trend in the social networking field is advantageous for other sectors such as the marketing sector in business. The aim of marketing is reaching as many people as possible within a given time limit. By using social media as a platform to communicate to possible customers in an interpersonal level, businesses are saving on both costs and materials, while getting a much higher efficiency from the exercise. Motivated by this idea, I intend to include advertisements in the site where, interested parties shall be given the opportunity to advertise their wares over a given period of time as agreed upon by the advertiser and the site administrator. It is necessary that adequate research into this field is conducted for it encapsulates several challenges that might be the downfall to the si te. There are a number of challenges that face the choice of business such as high competition from the existing industries as well as the initial starting capital. Research into this subject shall involve questions such as the affinity in the market for a site that facilitates the postage of pictures over the internet. The young adults and the youth are the main target market for the site, when it comes to its success, for it is by the numbers interested shall investors get the audacity to make investments using my site. The marketing that is to be done shall show that there is a need for the youth to get involved in the photo sharing site, through referrals or associated links so as to facilitate the sites growth. I estimate that the returns from the site shall at first be meagre, but with time and popularity, they shall increase. One of the advantages that are behind the idea is the fact that the site is presented in a global platform. The challenge of working within boundaries h as always been a huge challenge for many businesses, but with the site, the work shall be conducted on a global scale, which means that it shall be easy to reach almost every community in the world. Popularising the website may be a huge challenge for the business, but with support from my colleagues and the locals, the site is expected to be a huge employer in the near future. The idea of the photo-sharing site is supported by an ethical necessity for the community to control the content of sites. As

Friday, August 23, 2019

Foreign Policy of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Foreign Policy of China - Essay Example China's total fertility rate is 1.7, which means that, on average, each woman gives birth to 1.7 children throughout her life, nonetheless, China's population is expected to grow over the next few decades.4 (PGR) This can be attributed to immigration and a decrease in both infant mortality and death rate as national health standards improve. By the late 2010s, China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion. Around 2030, its population is anticipated to peak and then slowly start dropping. However, one of the demographic consequences of the "one child" policy has been that China is now one of the most rapidly aging countries in the world. 5 Ethnic and religious groups China has numerous ethnic groups (56) as constituents of its population. (Appendix ). The Han Chinese is the most numerous. Many of the ethnic minorities have their own culture and language, but many are becoming more like the Han who dominates the whole of China except Tibet and Xianjiang where the Han is still a minority. In the absence of an 'equal opportunity law', one is free to advertise for a preferred ethnic group for employment. However, most government bodies are required to employ at least one member of an ethnic minority. China was established in 1949 as an officially atheist state, and organized religion was banned and religious belief and practice were discouraged. During the Cultural Revolution, religion was condemned as feudalistic and thousands of religious buildings were looted and destroyed. The 1978 the Chinese Constitution reversed the atheist stance of the government and guaranteed freedom of religion. Many Chinese actually continue to practice a wide variety of religions. One source gives about 100 million religious worshippers in China: Buddhists 72%;... Trade has been growing rapidly during the reform period. In 1952 exports and imports were each running at a miserable US$1 billion. By 1970 they were just over double that, though world trade had expanded many times since 1952. The limited opening up that occurred in the late Mao period brought exports and imports each to about US$7.5billion, only slightly better. Then under Deng Xiaoping, two-way trade shot up: from less than US$15billion in 1975, it grew to $38billion in 1980, nearly $70billion in 1985, and $115billion by 1990. The rapid growth continued in the 1990s, especially after Deng's southern tour in January 1992, and by 1999 two-way trade was worth US$360bn. Imports were balanced with exports when the two were too small to be worth worrying about, then in the 1980s imports exceed exports, and in most years in the 1990s there was a substantial trade surplus. China's foreign trade figures were US $1150 billion in 2004, more than double that of 2001. At the end of 2004, China became the world's third largest trading nation behind the United States and Germany. China’s trade surplus has been positive over many years. In 2005, her exports were valued at $762.0 billion and imports at $ 660.12 billion, giving a BOT surplus of US$ 102. China's principal trading partners are US, Japan, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Russia, and Australia. With the US, China had a trade surplus of $170 billion in 2004, more than double of the 1999 figure. China has become an integral part of the world’s trading system.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Environmental Ethical Issues Essay Example for Free

Environmental Ethical Issues Essay The world has over the last few years been witnessing a remarkable rise in awareness in philosophical ideologies that are geared towards the environment. A number of theories such as animal rights, eco-feminism, deep ecology, bio-centric ethics and other theories have been proposed with the main aim of providing value to the environment. Environmental philosophies have helped in exploring various causes of environmental destruction and the proposals they put across that would help to reverse the trend of destruction and restore the environment to an acceptable level. Most of the practices that these theories try to raise are geared towards grappling with the effects produced by the industrial and economic cultures that thrive in most countries. However, a variety of issues arise pertaining to the applicability of environmental ethics and whether the theoretical outcomes are attainable (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Nature has always been an important aspect of human life, this is evident with the recent surge of focus in the subject as more and more people become aware of the environment. The issue of environmental ethics came into being as a discipline in schools in the 1970’s. Philosophies during the 1960’s had the perception that the late 20th century would witness a ‘population time bomb†. Rachael Carol was one of the vocal scientists who drew much attention to the issue of an environmental crisis by detailing the impact that pesticides would have on the environment. Lynn White jr. also did a masterpiece essay that traced the roots of environmental crisis by arguing that Judeo-Christian thinking was a major contributor in the over-exploitation of nature. He argues that the thinking was that human beings were superior to nature, which is a theory that is widely discussed in theology and history. This as he argues tends to cause a kind of arrogance towards nature and this tends to be a cause environmental crisis (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Polluting or destroying the environment is behaviors that are considered as immoral and this perception proves that human beings are embracing the concept that a sustainable environment is necessary for survival. However, the process of keeping a sustainable environment may mean culling animals, destroying overpopulated species, putting out natural fires and this often leads to some issues such as the morality of the actions taken. Another issue that arises is the restoration of an environment after destruction such as when a mining company restores a land after working on it for a while which begs the question of whether there is a â€Å"difference between restoring an environment or a natural one† (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Modern day scientists have often argued that finding a distinction between â€Å"instrumental values and intrinsic values† is of great importance (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Instrumental values mean that are usable while on the other hand, intrinsic values are not reusable are an end to their survival. Fruits are considered to be of instrumental value to bats that feed on them since this makes the bats survive. The fruits on the other hand are not widely regarded as having an intrinsic value for themselves. This debate has been one of the contentious environmental ethics issues. Things considered being of intrinsic value demand protection morally with regard to those that are instrumental. Most traditional thinkers often tagged the term intrinsic value only to humans with a renowned philosopher Aristotle arguing that â€Å"nature has made all things specifically for the sake of man† which means that everything else is classified as instrumental (Keller 2010). However, with the advent of the environmental ethics, the issue of man’s moral superiority to other species in the planet is been challenged. The other borne of contention that is trying to be tackled, is the classification of intrinsic and instrumental values among various species. Modern scientists have often argued that the main essence of environmental ethics is directed towards providing moral grounds for policies that are aimed at protecting the planets environment and tackling issues of environmental degradation before they get out of hand (Keller, 2010). The fate of the outcomes that environmental ethics aims to fulfill lies in how various laws will be enacted. A considerable number of philosophers have come up with ideologies and they should be used in order to formulate laws so as to promote environmental values that are acceptable and also attainable. Everybody should be part of ensuring that the environment is being conserved so as to ensure survival of for the present and future generations. It cannot escape out attention that we are living in a nuclear age where we heavily depend on energy that produces waste which some of it is hazardous to the environment and even unrecyclable. These types of waste require careful management in getting rid off, so as to ensure that they do not pose significant threats to the environment. Although these types of waste may not have short-term effects at the present, they may be catastrophic for the future generation and thus the need to practice wise environmental ethics at the present to ensure survival and a future for the planet. References: Keller, D. R. (2010). Environmental Ethics: The Big Question. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Brennan, A. and Lo, Y. (2009). Environmental Ethics, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), derived on August 16, 2010 http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/win2009/entries/ethics-environmental/ .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

E Fraud Essay Example for Free

E Fraud Essay An e- fraud is considered to be an electronic crime that affects not only individuals businesses and governments but also allows for very negatively intelligent people and hackers to use their intelligence to log into other’s accounts use their credit card numbers and banking password and transact huge amounts of trade and money . it has been seen that e fraud is on the increase and this is because of the low levels of awareness, the inappropriate counter measures that are ineffective to handle this kind of fraud has led to e frauds being on the increase . The only area that has been actively involved in reducing the impact of fraud is the technical side leaving the other so many variables out of the purview of the e fraud scenario. This has made e fraud even more easier because there have been no mechanisms to reduce these occurrences and even if there are there has been limited penalties issued to the frauds that happen on the cyber space. Introduction: The complexity of modern enterprises, their reliance on technology, and the heightened Interconnectivity among organizations that is both a result and a driver of e-business these are rapidly evolving developments that create widespread opportunities for theft, fraud, and other forms of exploitation by offenders both outside and inside an organization â€Å" (KPMG 2000) The paper tries to assimilate and analyze the strategies that can be adopted by everyone who deals on the cyber space to protect their information and finances securely. This paper also tries to analyze why such frauds occurs and what can be done by stakeholders to minimize the occurrences and is it worthwhile an attempt to bring in a global governance ordinance which could help businesses and agencies nab the criminals . It is recorded that global e commerce sales are steadily growing and with this the e commerce fraud too. The eco system which has promoted the concept of ecommerce streams from the millions of shoppers and customers who use their debit and credit cards . Though online shopping is projected to be a very safe way of shopping and bank transactions through secured payment modes, frauds have been continually on the increase . It has been objectively researched that e commerce transactions have to be highly secured . Every transaction has to be screened for the following inputs . 1. Risk based authentication should be enabled for every transaction and to prove the integrity of the user. 2. Card holders‘s data has to be tokenized so that consumers identity can be authorized and protected. . Reputed brands should shut down phishing and Trojan attacks that make easy e commerce frauds. Some practical applications for reducing e commerce brands: Fraud detection and prevention by addressing the critical needs of the entire credit card eco system. Evaluating transactions for the risk and balancing risk activities in cards . High transaction abandonment rates that results from poor user experience . Reducing the compliance costs so that we e commerce frauds commitment costs become high . The following diagrammatic representation shows how the personal data ecosystem is subject to hacking by very professional hackers. (source:Google. com) Credit card fraud The credit card industry reports huge frauds conducted over the internet in the US alone, in the year 2010, $8. 6 billion card frauds occurred (Aite Group study). With worldwide electronic information sourcing and data storage and the thousands on online purchasing that is going on, the frequency of card usage has increased and this has resulted in financial institutions and cardholders becoming victims of e fraud . Countries worldwide have set up agencies to monitor e fraud and have their own agencies to take care of such crimes especially those related to the cyber space and those which happen on cyberspace and in ecommerce space . E commerce sales is expected to total almost $1 trillion by 2013. Ecommerce fraud is also growing along with this. Fraudulent transactions rose from 2. 7 billion in 2010 to $3. 4 billion in 2011 and are expected to grow exponentially. The use of internet has made these frauds possible. There are many reasons why these frauds occur. . The increasing complex software that is now being used to relay ecommerce has made the systems vulnerable to attacks . 2. There are thousands of malicious codes and other tools that help hackers and attackers . 3. The increasing use of high speed internet at homes with very little security makes attack much easy . 4. The rate at which technology is changing and the ease of adaptation to the new technology and the users rather slow pace in adopting to good computer security practices is another compelling reason for fraud . . the hidden costs that are involved in an ecommerce portal goes unnoticed because the security systems that have to take care of this and when systems are set up, there is always the likelihood that ambitious technology experts give least preference to securing the information site and privacy conditions People and business which conduct business online do not inform people of the expected frauds that could occur due to ecommerce transactions, because of this frauds happen . The lack of proper governance and regulation regarding type of penalties and punishments that would be given to fraud committers is rather slack . There are no world wide global laws to tackle such frauds and hence frauds that are committed online find no jurisdictional limits and so governments do not know how to pin point the responsibility . This loop hole has been used by fraudsters . The online world is full of pseudonyms and pseudo identities . Hence tracking such frauds also becomes very difficult. There are no experts who could be given the responsibility of tracking and strategizing how such frauds occur . Though technology now is slowly trying to understand the macro environment of the fraud related scenarios, the risk and costs associated with bringing in security is very high and hence the adaptability of such scenarios cannot be done by all firms who have e commerce portals . Stakeholders involvement in the vulnerability that exists across the value chain is seen as the most critical issue in a fraud . Crime congress global: This is an imitative taken by the agency to help stakeholders and victims of e commerce fraud to find effective solutions. This proves information security in all countries of the world to meet the challenges arising from e commerce. This agency prominently uses technology and provides technology solutions in partnership with the business community to prevent frauds through information security technology and information risk management, forensics, investigations, audit, risk, compliance and fraud. This agency has been conducting global awareness programs for reaching out to institutes, businesses and government to partner in helping reduce ccurrences of e fraud to strategic and technological challenges. This is a strategic initiative involving al stakeholders to proactively reduce the risks of ecommerce frauds and to defend IT systems from those threats which are emerging and to comply with relevant legal and regulatory laws . this initiative is a step towards combating the threat of the increasing cases of fraud. This partnership brings out very important initiatives to protect not only customers but a lso business houses from succumbing to the increasing menace of hackers. Technology solutions and other security solutions are placed in a consultative approach towards tackling this . If an international business committed copyright infringements then legal action under Criminal Jurisprudence legal action can be resorted to under Article 61 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) where the loser has got legal recourse to his stolen property by means of criminal sanctions and which will thereby allow for legal and criminal punishment of the infringement and the infringer . t has been felt that all types of infringement should be punished with criminal sanctions. People can appeal under this act for legal action or they can hotlist an organization under cyber space if there are cases of patent stealing and web site hacking. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 also known as the CDPA can be used in cases where infringement has taken place. If an international business committed copyright infringements or steals a pa tent then as a victims we can take recourse under the above mentioned acts which give protection to IRP which are stolen and pirated and copied.. Early referral is said to be the best away to ensure that the evidence is properly secured and that all the investigative revenues are fully explored with the possible undercover law enforcement activities. Perhaps, communication with the law enforcement activities allows the victim to coordinate civil proceedings with the possible criminal enforcement. Though legally recourse is available it is easy to settle out of court because protection of copyright is a prelude to production of the material or product. People who invent need to protect their patents. Once the patent is protected then it cannot be copied or pirated as punishments are very severe in such cases. With so many innovations taking place in the US especially with cyber technology there has been very serious issue of pirating software and the Beijing convention has called for all member countries to come out with anti pirating laws which could effectively punish those who are caught. USA will have to worry about the number of infringements that are taking place. It has admitted legal course in serious cases but USA is neither able to gun down the culprit nor is it able to find means of putting an end to it because of the geographical distance which makes it impossible to monitor the use of technology. USA is very careful in dealing with countries where incidences of Infringement are very high and tries to bring in severe legal clauses to protect their interests. Computer forensics investigator and other laws A computer forensics investigator works with a pre determined notion of computer crimes. But that is not a sufficient coverage that should be catered. A computer forensics investigator looks upon other law system too such as data protection, data integrity, data control, audit of data components, investigation around the computer and etc. A forensics investigator moves with an initial priority of computer crime. But he should be well governed with other laws. This helps him to establish himself more concretely on the crime scene. He is prepared with the notion of covering up the areas totally in order to fully satisfy himself on the grounds that nothing is left behind. He checks into the data system, recovers the data, checks the integrity of the data, protects the data, looks for evidences around the computer, checks the network system of the accused person, goes more deeply with the computing system to enable him searching beyond the computers to narrow down his investigation procedure. Some other laws such as, human rights, digital rights, information system laws, computer laws are of special interest to him. This gives him the power to deal with any case that involves ethical computer crime. He is much more developed investigator if he is well adverse with the above law system. E Discovery E Discovery or Electronic Discovery refers to discovery in civil litigation. This discovery process deals with the exchange of information in the electronic format. Electronic Discovery is pretty useful for the forensics analysis. We know that Forensics analysis deals with the investigation of crime scene involving computer and cyber crimes and evidence is the prime source of investigation that leads to a successful procedure. Hence the investigator is pretty much confident about the E Discovery System. The investigator with the help of E Discovery processes such as Electronic messages, voicemail; smart phones etc recover every bit of information that is required in the gathering of evidence required for the forensics investigation. The whole process of collection data through E discovery and jotting it down to the report makes it much easier for the investigator. The E discovery has led to new developments and changes in the investigation system of the cyber crimes. With latest e discovery modes as mentioned above, an investigator is much more confident about its movement into the IT system of the accused criminal, and supporting the cause with rather strong and reliable evidences gathered. E discovery is a radical change in the process of investigation and has led to much more focused and integrated system of computer investigation. Conclusion The whole conclusion is based on the cyber crimes and the enacting system of law prevailing. The cyber crimes have increased in geometric progression over the years which have led to many disasters and crimes. With the increased number of crimes taking place day in day out, the laws have been made much stricter in order to ensure that the numbers of crime taking place gets minimized and there is a fear of messing up the computer system. The laws have addressed the message of intent of distorting computer systems which will constitute a crime. Many forensics investigators have been seen in the picture off late which governs the system of computer crime. These investigators are well adverse with the system laws and crime scenes. They effectively handle the situation and get to the desired results enabling quick and accurate reply to crime involved. Thus the laws have been successful over the years in minimizing computer threats and crimes. Ecommerce has revolutionized trade in many ways and consumers have also been cheated in ways that were unknown in traditional sales. In order to protect the consumers, traders on the internet and operators in the cyber space have got together to form associations and laws that would protect the consumers in the text of ecommerce. Though every country has passed consumer protection acts which are rules and regulations to protect the consumers from fraudulent trade practices in the market. There laws were enacted to protect the consumers and give them rights to ensure that they obtain truthful information and right products as so designed by the seller. The laws have been designed to protect consumers from businesses indulging in unlawful and unfair practices . The governments of all countries have passed regulations to protect the rights of consumers especially in those products where health and safety are chief ingredients. Consumer protection is also in the form of consumer rights which consumers can exercise through redressal grievance and consumer courts. This is the history behind the concept of consumer protection. In direct contrast to the traditional business where the buyer and seller are in direct contact with each other and the buyer can inspect the goods before buying, in ecommerce the communication is only through an electronic form and business is conducted in a paperless environment. More importantly the internet or e transactions play a very important role in helping buyers and in assisting in choice comparisons and locating a product on the internet. (http://www. apec. rg/apec/apec_groups/som_special_task_groups/electroniccommerce. html. Accessed on 13/2/04) Consumer concerns in e commerce starts form the point of instance as the buyer is not known to the seller and vice versa and hence the privacy and confidentiality aspect of a trade which has to be concluded needs authenticity. Consumers are worried about 1. The unfair marketing practices that sellers resort to on the web. 2. The terms of sale, refunds, cancellation of orders, warranty conditions 3. Enforceability of the contract, performance and non performance. . Delivery time, late deliveries and no delivery verification. 5. The most illegal use of information available on credit cards payment made for online purchases. 6. Fraud and cheating because transactions are not authenticated by any physical source. 7. unsafe products not confirming to safety standards. 8. Misuse of personal information for other purposes. Since majority of e commerce transactions lead to the buyer being put to a disadvantage the Issues relating to consumer disputed have to be minimized and arbitrated. t is all the more difficult because the sellers are beyond national jurisdiction as it happens on cyberspace and SO the risks that arise out of such trade has to be taken care of and the consumers have to be suitably protected. a landmark development n the form of the E -Commerce group otherwise known as The Electronic Commerce and Consumer Protection Group is constitute d by leading companies on the net like America Online, ATamp;T, Dell, IBM, Microsoft, Network Solutions and Time Warner. These companies predominately deal in online sales of their products and so recognize the growing need of consumer protection and have addressed issues regarding consumer protection as best practices of industry and have created an environment which would allow consumers to resolve disputes arising on cyber space. The American Bar Association Task Force on E-commerce and Alternative Dispute Resolution is one of the best reference guide to consumer protection on the cyber space. This organization was asked to suggest workable guidelines that parties dealing in online transactions can use for ODR’s (online dispute redressal) . the complexity further arose from the fact that there was multijurisdictional disputes arising from B2B and B2c businesses. (THIS IS THE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND IS REFREED TO IN EXACT TEXT) To quote the words of the task force of the Ecommerce group â€Å"that there are many ways to help prevent as well as to help resolve disputes or complaints that arise from e-commerce transactions, the Task Force makes the following recommendations and observations: 1. E-commerce businesses should place an enhanced emphasis on all stages of dispute prevention, complaints handling, and effective methods of redress through ADR and ODR. 2. Internet merchants, governmental and nonprofit entities should place a greater emphasis on consumer education and the prevention of e-commerce disputes. 3. Protecting consumers requires adequate standards and codes of conduct for ecommerce businesses. 4. Internet merchants should be encouraged to participate in and subscribe to relevant e-commerce codes of conduct and trust mark programs. 5. Internet merchants should develop or continue to improve on their in-house complaints handling mechanisms, and educate consumers as to how to use these in-house procedures effectively. 6. For consumers, recourse to in-house complaints mechanisms is normally the first and best means to obtain redress from reputable merchants. Accordingly, consumers should be encouraged to utilize the in-house complaints handling mechanisms offered by reputable Internet merchants before resorting to third party dispute resolution mechanisms. 7. at present, the lack of ODR does not appear to be a material impediment to the growth of B2C e-commerce. . At present, ODR is subsidiary to other higher priority consumer protection activities, including consumer education and use of measures that help prevent or decrease the incidence of fraud in Internet transactions. 9. Recognizing that enforcement of outcomes and decisions reached through ODR may be difficult, consumers should be encouraged to consider using other dispute prevention mechanisms such as escrow services and credit card charge back mechanisms when transacting online. 10. Rather than create a code of conduct for ODR Service Providers, the Task Force has drafted Recommended Best Practices by ODR Service Providers. 1. The Task Force recommends the creation of a new informational entity (referred to as the ADRCenter) that would provide information about ODR in an effort to educate and familiarize consumers, businesses, lawyers and other professionals with this new type of service. 12. For the advancement of ODR as an effective and efficient means of cross-border dispute resolution for both B2B and B2C transactions, there needs to be an appropriate emphasis on the development of interoperable communication and data-sharing platforms. 3. The Task Force believes that much of the education that will be useful for consumers will also be useful for businesses especially small to medium sized enterprises and those who are new to the Internet marketplace and to cross-border transactions. ( Task force quoted verbatim) among all of ecommerce frauds the greatest of consumer complaints arose from identity thefts. The Federal trade commission has released statistics stating that out of 2004,000 complaints received from consumers 42% elated to fraud and identity of the seller, followed by internet auctions which constituted 10%,followed by other non performances like non delivery of goods, inferior quality goods, trial offers from the net, shop at home offers and so on. This only reiterates that consumers have to be protected and laws of cyber space have to be strictly regulated to afford consumer protection. Consumer protection measures were seen very importantly in the light of an interactive poll which shows the increased awareness of consumers against online frauds . They were dissuaded by online shopping and cited some of the reasons why they had not shopped recently. 57% said that they were worried about their credit card number being stolen,57% were worried about confidentiality measures being violated,38% doubted the integrity on the seleers,26% wanted some personal attention to be given while they shopped,37% doubted the reliability of the sellers,47% said that wanted to physically inspect the product and 25% cited many unknown reasons. source: Harris interactive)It was increasingly felt that consumer education will be able to help protect consumers better. It also shows increased concerns about consumers not knowing how to transact online. It is suggested that traders using the electronic media need to given all information that is required for consumers to feel safe about shopping online . Quoting Internet merchants association ,† Merchants need to have greater and enhanced disclosure on their websites as well as heightened compliance with relevant consumer protection law. † Another pertinent consumer protection data and study conducted by a New Zealand organization on 700 web sites explicitly brought out the consumers heightened awareness of ecommerce frauds and consumers came out with their reasons of the need for protecting their rights against fraudulent organizations. They said that 50% of the vendors had not installed security measures on the payment options, 62% did not speak of refund policies, 78% said that the vendors did not advice customers of how to lodge complaints,90% said that they did not know about laws pertaining to consumer redresses and 25% said that the vendors did not show physical address. Despite all this majority of consumers preferred to shop online so laws pertaining to consumer protection need to be implemented in its fullest sense. Consumers International released its [emailprotected] net study in which it concluded: that though almost all the traders online collected data regarding the personal information of the buyers very few of them institutionalized a privacy policy regarding the use of the information that the buyer gave. Though these were correct measures to provide security, majority of these proved meaningless to the buyers. it was very common in the US and Europe to find traders giving scant respect to global standards on data privacy. Even the basic principles of informing the customers of how the data will be used, how the firm will access the data , how the consumer can use the data and how the security of the data is sought and maintained is not disclosed. A comparative study of the sites of USA and UK are no different with regard to privacy policy as both played on the information made available to them. The US online trading sites set decent privacy policies which looked good enough to follow. In The European trading sites the consumers had the law backing them up and the presence of an ombudsman and a government representative in the form of a data protection officer took care of the consumer rights and protection if breached. He also intervened to speak on behalf of the consumers if the law was tampered with . in fact it is sad to know that both the countries have left little choice to consumers in terms of data protection.. † This was a comparative study of the European merchants and the USA merchants. But both of them accepted the fact that consumer protection was a must if their sales and revenues had to increase. As a step towards greater protection measures to consumers the task force on ecommerce and protection said that various disputes redressal mechanisms have to be introduced in the form of dispute prevention like education of consumers, feedback collection from consumers, ombudsman appointments, negotiations, mediation, arbitrators, and assessment of valid consumer grievances.

Transformational corporate leaders

Transformational corporate leaders Introduction Leadership is a practice that has been around for very many years though there has been no single definition to completely describe it. This could be due to its continuously evolving nature and variations depending on context. Leadership is generally a complicated concept that can be applied in many areas while the results that it creates are highly dependent on the context in which its being applied. The term ‘transformational leaders was first formed by J.V. Downton in 1973. During his study of political leadership, James Macgregor introduced for the first time the concept of transformational leadership. According to Macgregor, transformational leadership is a not just a set of specific behaviours but a continuous process through which leaders and followers uplift one another to high states of motivation and morality (The transformational leadership report 2007). Transformational leaders provide a purpose that goes beyond the short term goals looks at the higher order intrinsic objectives. These leaders will always raise the bar by engaging to higher ideals and values of their subordinates. This way, the leaders are able to model the values themselves as well as use appealing methods to lure people to the values and to the leaders themselves. Transformational leadership requires high level of self actualization and self esteem in order to be an authetic and transformational leader. Essentially the work of a transformational leader is to induce people to be conscious of their feelings, to feel their true needs strongly and to meaningfully define their values so that they can be moved to a determined action (Chance Chance 2002 p.79) Macgregor was among the first scholars to insist that true transformational leadership does not just create change and attain goals within an organization but also changes the individuals involved and makes both the leaders and followers to be ennobled. According to () transformational leadership is also defined in terms of how the leader impacts his subordinates who are in turn supposed to respect, admire and trust the transformational leader. Transformational leadership has evolved from elements of preceding types for instance behavior and trait theories, situational, charismatic and transactional leadership. Transformational leaders are actually natural leaders. They automatically take charge of group of workers with great confidence and authority and they motivate their followers to do things with ease. Such leaders who are admired and envied for their natural qualities in leadership skills are actually born with leadership qualities in them. Astrologists argue that qualities of leadership are given at birth. For instance they believe that individuals born under the Aries zodiac sign are usually natural leaders and will always find themselves in leadership positions as adults. According to ( ), its not doubtable that certain people are born with natural characteristics and traits that make it easier for them to inspire and have power over others. Some people are born with natural confidence which is an advantageous characteristic for leaders. Such people are therefore more attractive for their determination and drive which creates an impetus that other people find easy to follow. Those people with proper communication skills and empathy which are generally admired by people, and the ability to relate well with people even in stressful situations, attract a sense of respect and liking from other people. This paper evaluates the characteristics of transformational leaders and how they are made. The paper tries to illustrate that transformational corporate leaders are actually born and not made. Theories and models of transformational leadership According to Gosling, Marturano Dennison (2003), transformational leadership is procedure in which organizational leaders take actions to enhance the awareness of their associates on what is right and crucial (p.16). These leaders raise the motivational maturity of their followers which makes them to go beyond their own individual interests for the betterment of their group as well as the whole organization. Transformational leaders provide their followers with a feeling of purpose that exceeds a simple receiving of rewards for their efforts. Transformational leaders are unique leaders whose leadership qualities are believed to be natural. These leaders not only optimize the general performance of their associates but also the development of an organization. Organizational or business development involves the maturation of values, ability, attitudes and motivation (Gosling, Marturano Dennison 2003 p.16). Transformational leaders are aimed at developing the maturity level of their f ollowers needs from the basic security needs to the needs of self development. Theories A number of recent theories on leadership have tried to describe leadership effectiveness according to how leaders transform or change an organization (Chance Chance 2002 p.94). One of the theories in leadership is the transformational leadership theory also known as the leadership theory. This theory states that leadership is interlinked or can not be separated from the needs and goals of the followers, and that its as a result of interaction between the followers and the leaders. According to Chance Chance (2002), there are two important forms of leader follower interaction which are transformational and transactional (p.94). In transactional relationship the leader influences the follower through an exchange of something valued by both of them. Transformational theory assumes that the main focus of leadership should be the capacities and commitments of organizational individuals. Their should also be higher level of individual dedication to organisational objectives and greater capacities for fulfilling these objectives. According to Bush T. (2003), transformational leaders succeed by acquiring the followers commitment to such degree that the higher levels of accomplishment become a moral imperative (p.77). The transformational model is for instance broad in that it gives normative approach to school leadership which aims basically on the process by which leaders endeavour to manipulate the school outcome and not the nature of those outcomes (Bush T. 2003 p.77). Transformational leadership has the capability of becoming autocratic because of its well-built heroic and charismatic features. According to Chance Chance (2002), transformational leadership stimulates others to look at their work from new dimensions while creating the awareness of the mission and vision of the organization (p.95). Transformational leaders stimulate others to be creative and innovative. This creativity and innovation is promoted through looking for new ideas from others. These leaders attend the needs of their followers and help them in growth and development by acting as their mentors. The underlying principle of these leaders is their commitment to personal values and moral purpose which are important in bri nging about organizational change. Models in leadership Models on leadership assist us to understand what makes leaders to operate the way they do. The different types of behaviours discussed in models help us to understand that every situation calls for a specific approach. One of the models is the four framework approach where leaders illustrate behaviours in leadership in one of the four types of frame works. These frame works are the structural, political, human resource or symbolic. The leadership style can either be effective or not depending on the behavior chosen in certain situations. In a working leadership situation the leader is usually a social architect whose style of leadership is analysis and design. On the other hand leaders in failing leadership are just tyrants whose styles of leadership consist of mere details. Structural leaders put more emphasis on strategy, structure, environment, experimentation, implementation and adaptation. In the human resource framework, the leader in the effective leadership conditions is a catalyst and servant whose style of leadership is support, empowerment and advocation, while in a non working leadership the boss is a pushover whose style of leadership is fraud and abdication. Human resource leaders hold believe in people and they communicate that believe. They are accessible and encourage increased participation and sharing of information. These leaders involve everybody in the organization when it comes to decision making. For a political framework the leader in effective leadership circumstances is an advocate whose style of leadership is a coalition and building while in the ineffective condition the leader is a hustler whose style of leadership is manipulation. Political leaders indicate clearly what they can get and build relationship with other stake holders. They first apply persuasion then coercion and negotiation only if necessary. In symbolic framework, the leader in working leadership is a prophet whose style of leadership is inspiration while the leader in a non performing situation a fool whose style of leadership is smoke and mirrors. The other model in used in leadership is the managerial grid. This model uses two axes whereby ‘concern for people is plotted using the vertical axis while the ‘concern for task is plotted on the horizontal axis. The managerial behaviour is then described using the two dimensions that are drawn as a graph. Both axiss are plotted on a range of 0 to 9 and the leaders are then grouped depending on what they score on both sides. Those who score 9 points on the task side and 1 on the people side are authoritarian, those who score 9 on both sides are team leaders, those who score 1 on both sides are impoverished while those who score 1 on task and 9 on people are country club leaders. Authoritarian leader are more task oriented and are tough on their employees. These leaders are very tough on schedules and expect the workers to do everything without question. Team leaders lead by good examples and are concerned in promoting a team environment. They encourage their followers to attain their goals effectively and to strengthen the bonds between employees. On the other hand the country club leaders mainly use the power of reward and recognition in maintaining discipline among their employees while the impoverished leader uses delegation of duties as a management style (Chance Chance 2002). These leaders are neither concerned with maintenance or task accomplishment. References Bass B. M. Riggio R. E. (2006) Transformational leadership London: Routledge. Hacker, S, Roberts, T (2003) Transformational leadership: creating organizations of meaning American Society for Quality. Avolio B. J Bass B. M. 2002 Developing potential across a full range of leadership: cases on transactional and transformational leadership Routledge: New York. Gosling, R .B, Marturano, A Dennison, P. (2003) A review of the leadership theory and competency frameworks. Centre for leadership studies: Dunsford Hill. Schwartz M. K. , Gimbel K. G. 2000 Leadership resources: a guide to training and development tools Center for Creative Leadership. Chance, P. L. Chance, E. W (2002) Introduction to educational leadership organizational behavior: theory into practice Eye on Education. Bush T. 2003 Theories of educational leadership and management SAGE. The transformational leadership report (2007) (

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Violence in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers

Violence in Literature Mohandas Gandhi once stated these words, "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent." The same can be said about many things in life. However, when thought about, few people may consider the violence brought up in literature. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are many scenes that illustrate the blind, violent nature that most humans tend to share. Mark Twain has used violence throughout his novel to enhance his beliefs on the injustices of slavery and any other form of senseless violence known to mankind. From the beginning with Pap's continuous abuse towards Huck, till the end with Emmiline Grangerfords poetry, is filled with violent sections that magnify the hypocrisy and stupidity of people. Almost immediately we are introduced to the drunken, deranged man who is Huck?s father, Pap. Pap is an alcoholic who roams from place to place buying up booze and sleeping wherever he can. Huck has never viewed him as a real father figure because Pap has almost never been there for Huck, except when he is ?disciplining? him. Pap is uneducated and disapproves of Huck attending school. Pap tells Huck, "you're educated...You think your're better'n your father, now, don't you, because he can't?" (14) Huck puts up with Pap?s numerous beatings because he does not want to be the cause of any more controversies between himself and Pap. Huck explains, "If I never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best way to get along with his kind of people is to let them have their own way" (95). Pap?s addiction to alcohol is how Twain views the affect that alcohol can have on a person. He believes that alcohol is a money waster, can affect the sanity of people, and how it can turn even de cent men into complete scoundrels. Subsequently, Huck continues his journey down the river to another town where he suddenly finds himself staying with the Grangerfords. Huck soon befriends a boy named Buck who tells him all about the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons. Both have been fighting for over 30 years but neither of them know exactly why they are battling each other. Buck explains, ??but they don?t know now what the row was about in the first place?(180). The tribal ware fare of the families is suppressed with religion.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay examples --

1. Describe the difference between public law and private law, including the difference between criminal law and tort law. The difference between public law and private law is that each govern two different types of individuals. Public law deals with citizens, companies, and state issues. Private law deals with contracts and obligations. This is the main difference between these two laws, but they also differentiate in the laws they obtain. For example public law has constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law. As for private law has civil law which includes contract law, law of torts and property law. Criminal law is the how the criminal is going to be punished, with either a fine of a certain amount or jail time. Tort law is similar in punishment to the criminal, but the punishment is payment to the person who was injured in the crime for injuries and damages that may have occurred. 2. List the reasons people commit crimes, and why they do not. People commit crimes because it is a choice they make, but all their choices come with an reason and motive. They may commit a crime because of their own personal self-interest and based on how they will avoid getting caught. The environment they live in may cause interest in committing crimes also. There are people who get tired of getting stepped on and never seem to achieve society’s expectations; therefore they do crime to obtain a self-rewarding achievement. Being poor and not having money to provide for themselves or their families may cause a moment of stress leading that person to steal money. The reason why a lot of people do not commit crimes is because they are satisfied with the life they live in. For example life may not be one hundred percent great, but they... ...eing arbitrary and oppressive over them. 6. Discuss the meaning of the phrase â€Å"nulla poena sine lege.† Nulla poena sine lege refers to the meaning that no one should be punished for doing something that the law does not prohibit. There are four types of nulla poena sine lege which are: praevia, scripta, certa and stricta. Praevia states that there should not be any punishment without previous law. Scripta states that there should not be no punishment without any written law. Certa states that there should be no punishment without a definite law, meaning that the punishment must be defined first. Stricta states that there should be no punishment without the strict law. Nulla poena sine lege helps by protecting those who could be convicted and punished when no laws exists. It also helps by preventing the creation of new laws to punish for past action and behaviors.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

We Need Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay -- embryos, moral issues

In 1981, Scientists found a way to extract embryonic stem cells from mouse embryos. Years later, in 1998, a method to extract stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory was discovered. The main purpose was to use the cell's ability to regenerative as a method of treating diseases. As time went by, people started to oppose the idea of using embryonic stem cell for research. So, funding that helped continue research on embryos started to decrease. This conclusion came from some people considering that embryonic stem cells research was similar to killing babies. Others thought that research on adult stem cells was less controversial than research on embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research leads to the ethical dilemma of destroying embryonic life; therefore medical communities should continue to discover medical treatments, testing drugs, and helping prevent or cure disease with these cells. There's been many discussion on when is a child alive, is it in womb or when born? A researcher in Molecular and cellular Pharmacology has mentioned that a misuse of terminology in defining stem cells has led to an understanding. She says that the word preembryo is distinguished as a handling and the treatment of that human life less than 14 days old. But cloning proves scientifically that life begins at conception-a position to which the author and most Christians philosophically already adhere (Hollowell). â€Å"An embryo is a human being that has not been born.† So there is no real preembryo- embryo distinction and that all human life begins at conception. Moral issues kick in as to whether if its ethical to use an a human life to create treatment for others. Many cultures and Christians philosophically see... ...Nov. 2008. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. Heifetz, Aaron, Dr. "Stem Cell Technology ï ¿ ½ Delivering the Promise."  Drug Discovery World. N.p., 2011. Web. 05 Jan. 2014. Neuringer, Isabel P. "Stem Cells and Repair of Lung Injuries."  Respiratory Research. N.p., 20 July 2004. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "NIH Stem Cell Registry."  NIH Stem Cell Registry. National Institutes of Health, 10 July 2003. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "Public Awareness Research 2005: Stem Cells."  Public Awareness Research 2005: Stem Cells. Biotechnology Australia's Public Awareness Program, Oct. 2005. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "Scientists and Advocates Highlight Progress in Research on Stem Cell Awareness Day."California's Stem Cell Agency. N.p., 1 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research."  Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Kelly Hollowell, Ph.D., Feb. 2002. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explain the Importance of Resilience in Children and Young People Essay

Resilience is a mixture of nature and nurture. Attributes that some children are born with, such as good intellectual ability and a placid, cheerful temperament, are associated with resilience. Children who are born prematurely and/or with disabilities, who cry and cannot be comforted, who cannot sleep or who will not accept being held are more vulnerable to adversity and may be less likely to be resilient. There are, however, many other qualities associated with resilience which develop through children’s life experiences — the main ones can be summarised as follows: Good self esteem derives from being accepted by people whose relationship one values and from accomplishment in tasks one values. Praise, on its own, will not improve self-esteem; the child him or herself has also to ascribe value to the achievement. A belief in one’s own self-efficacy means having the qualities of optimism; ‘stickability’ and believing that one’s own efforts can make a difference. For children and young people who have had very damaging childhoods the creation of ‘survivor’s pride’, i. e. the ability to value how far they have overcome huge adversity in their lives, is helpful. Young people’s sense of self-efficacy is enhanced by taking responsibility and making decisions. Initiative is the ability and willingness to take action, including action to stop abuse occurring. Children and young people facing adversity are in a stronger position to deal with it if they are able to take the initiative in finding ‘creative’ responses. This sometimes combines with a strong sense of responsibility towards others such as siblings. Faith and morality can be described as ‘a belief in a broader value system which can help the child to persist in problem solving or in surviving a set of challenging life circumstances. A sense of coherence in their experiences gives the child a feeling of rootedness; the conviction that life has meaning and an optimistic focus’ (Daniel, Wassell and Gilligan 1999. Trust is believing in or relying on another person or thing. In order to trust others, you do not need to love them but you do need to experience them as reliable, feel respect for them, value them and not expect them to betray your confidences. Attachment is ‘an affectionate bond between two individuals that endures through space and time and serves to join them emotionally’ (Klaus & Kennell 1976, quoted in Fahlberg 1994). A secure attachment relationship creates a secure base from which a child feels safe to explore the world. Many looked fter children whose primary attachment figures have been unsupportive or unpredictable are able, fortunately, to find other attachment figures. In fact, one sign of resilience in children is the ability to ‘recruit’ caring adults who take a particular interest in them. This could be a neighbour, friend’s parent(s), teacher, child minder, relative, mentor or befriender, foster carer or, of course, residential worker. The concept of a secure base originally related to the security provided by a dependable attachment relationship. However, in the context of looked after children it has developed a wider meaning i. . the provision of a consistent and stable place to live and continuity of wider relationships which then allow the maintenance or development of attachment relationships. Where placement moves are absolutely unavoidable, strenuous efforts should be made to maintain continuity in other aspects of children’s lives. Meaningful roles: Such roles include proficiency at academic and non-academic activities at school, sporting prowess, part time work, volunteering, caring for siblings, and domestic responsibilities, provided they are not excessive. Such roles are likely to have a positive effect in several ways — they can be beneficial in providing a sense of positive identity and a source of self-esteem, they may act as a source of pleasure and hope or distract young people from the adversity they are experiencing in other areas of their lives. Autonomy means the ability to make decisions. Young people who are autonomous know that it is OK to make mistakes and that you can learn from mistakes. They take reasonably well calculated risks. Autonomous children and young people are good at self-regulation — they gain increasing control over their own emotions and behaviour. Identity: Young people in care have a deep need to know and understand who they are, where they belong and to whom they are important. They may need help to find these answers. Children and young people’s ethnicity, religion, culture and language form part of their identity. Preservation of their background and culture helps to create continuity and a secure base; it is also a legal right. Young people, who have good insight into their own difficulties, including a realistic assessment of their own contribution and the contribution of others to those difficulties, are more likely to be resilient. Young people who are able to recognise benefits, as well as negative effects, from severe adversity are likely to be resilient. Insight helps people to take appropriate actions and make appropriate choices. It is therefore linked to self-efficacy and to initiative. Humour is the final building block of resilience. It can help young people to distance themselves from, and therefore reduce, emotional pain and it can also help them make and sustain relationships — humorous people are usually popular people.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Faber s Three things

A human pore lets sweat out and oxygen in. Information that is porous is an open thought that allows you to interpret anyway you want. For example, in a book that describes a character, you can imagine their appearance based on the details given. Books at least allow the reader to put them down, giving people time to think and reason about the information they contain. TV might look more fun than books, but it never gives you a chance to think about the information in your own way and to reason your own conclusions. In our socio ¶y', we have the same thing missing.For example, in our schools, and in standardized testing we lack quality of information. Teachers use Overprints, which are slide shows, to present their material, instead of boring lectures. Teachers use too much animation believing that they're making their material more interesting, which actually distracts students from learning. On standardized tests, they ask what questions vs.. How and why questions which make them all multiple choice instead of short answer. Multiple choice questions don't allow students to think outside of the box, or explain their thinking.In addition, social media promotes shallow thinking. On social media, you have Youth where people just post stupid videos, and then you have Mainstream which just has pointless pictures. Social media could be used for more engaging discussions, but people waste their time posting stupid things. So today's society is similar to the way Faber describes their society in the book. Faber defines leisure to digest as not being overstretched and having time to think. In the book, Montage states that they have a lot of time off of work, but Faber points out hat their minds are consumed with unimportant information.For example, very large all-consuming billboards, stupid catchy jingles, and TV's on all the walls of their homes are distracting them. When they aren't bombarded with media, they are fearing for their lives because they are thinking a bout the dangers in the society. Similarly in our society, we spend too much time watching TV, going to school, and doing homework. Teenagers sleep as much as they can because teachers assign too much homework which makes them stay up late and get up early to go to school.Therefore, we don't have the energy and brain space to think. Faber defines the right to carry out actions based on the other two items as people need to fight for their rights to do something about what they gather from the books. If they read and determine that something should be changed, then they would have the right to take action and stand up for what they believe in. In our society, people have limited say in decisions. For example, protestors get in trouble for standing up for their rights. Kids in school have little right to speak about tepid teachers.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reality Shows

Does anyone remember when he or she starts to become so thirsty for what those ordinary people do In grocery stores or why they cheat on their lovers? Our curiosities turn Into the most powerful Incentive of TV producers to keep contriving such shows In order to fulfill the voyeurs who sit lazily on the couch In front of television everyday. We look Into three fundamental principles of reality programs to analyze the relationship between viewers and reality shows: why reality shows are so appealing to American, how those shows affect both on mentalities of ewers and in the society, and what's the purpose for reality shows to exist nowadays.Exciting and unusual things can easily capture our attentions, especially something that barely happens in our daily lives but occurs every episode in reality shows, that's why reality shows become so appealing to the audience. The audience is picky nowadays, and the TV producers knew it intelligently from the beginning. Not only need to create an impeccable content of the show, more importantly, the show must be accompanied by some dramatic and intense storyline to cater to audience's reference.Furthermore, the fad that people chat with coworkers in their break time in the office about the reality show and scorn the artificial plot that they watched last night has become a pastime of work. Even though most of the time we can tell lucidly that those exaggerated plots in the show are premeditated, we seem to enjoy indefatigably anticipating the foreseen disasters from the show. For example, American Next Top Model, a popular fashion competition show in America. The main conception of this show is to explore a super model after several deferent intentions and challenges.If you think that's all about the show, you are totally wrong. The reason why the show becomes so alluring from 2003 is because people enjoy watching the lives in the luxurious dormitory of competitors In the show, and they usually form groups in the dorm and al ways argue with each other. The show used to be Just exploring female models, but these two seasons started to Include male models. Undoubtedly, as long as the show Involves males and females, It always contains the sexual relationship which appealing to audience.TV viewers need omitting that can thrill them In front of television as well as color their lives, and such stagy dramas exactly give them what they want. Nowadays, the unreal reality shows are more rampant than before, and the twisted thoughts, which convey through the shows that we watch everyday, have imperceptibly influenced our interpretations toward the reality in our minds and in Greener to explain how the reality shows affect viewers in different groups. For the most interesting part is how Waters analyzes that most of the occupations that we see in the reality shows are entertainers, athletes, and businessmen.A mere 6 to 10 percent of television characters hold blue-collar or service Job vs.. About 60 percent in th e real work force† (Water 139), we can see the imbalance between the shows and the reality that will cause the misleading notion for teenagers before having Jobs. One of the noteworthy reality show, Keeping Up with the Sardinian, most of the stars in this show are famous entertainers and live a affluence life, but they still keep complaining about some trivial things. Every episode focuses on each of their daily lives, their parties, weddings, shopping, and working.Those extravagant expenses on everything gradually twist the value of viewers, making those young people to think about that being an entertainer can easily make lots of money and own a life like the Sardinian. Just like what Waters states, muff almost never see the farmer, the factory worker, or the small businessman† (Waters 140). The misleading thoughts from the reality shows barely give the truth of the real world that we have to face, and those thoughts especially root in adolescents' minds.The reality sh ows is indispensable for the mass media nowadays since we canto eve without them anymore, and we also can barely avoid them when we turn on the TV. Reality shows seem to conform to every type of TV programs include adventure shows, celebrity shows, competition shows, and hidden camera shows etc. We find ourselves deeply addicted to season after season of reality shows, and TV producers make our dreams come true. The reality show isn't Just a pure entertainment in our free time, but become a habit in our lives. More dramatic plots are premeditated for the audience, the higher rating the show will get from the viewers. Reality Shows Does anyone remember when he or she starts to become so thirsty for what those ordinary people do In grocery stores or why they cheat on their lovers? Our curiosities turn Into the most powerful Incentive of TV producers to keep contriving such shows In order to fulfill the voyeurs who sit lazily on the couch In front of television everyday. We look Into three fundamental principles of reality programs to analyze the relationship between viewers and reality shows: why reality shows are so appealing to American, how those shows affect both on mentalities of ewers and in the society, and what's the purpose for reality shows to exist nowadays.Exciting and unusual things can easily capture our attentions, especially something that barely happens in our daily lives but occurs every episode in reality shows, that's why reality shows become so appealing to the audience. The audience is picky nowadays, and the TV producers knew it intelligently from the beginning. Not only need to create an impeccable content of the show, more importantly, the show must be accompanied by some dramatic and intense storyline to cater to audience's reference.Furthermore, the fad that people chat with coworkers in their break time in the office about the reality show and scorn the artificial plot that they watched last night has become a pastime of work. Even though most of the time we can tell lucidly that those exaggerated plots in the show are premeditated, we seem to enjoy indefatigably anticipating the foreseen disasters from the show. For example, American Next Top Model, a popular fashion competition show in America. The main conception of this show is to explore a super model after several deferent intentions and challenges.If you think that's all about the show, you are totally wrong. The reason why the show becomes so alluring from 2003 is because people enjoy watching the lives in the luxurious dormitory of competitors In the show, and they usually form groups in the dorm and al ways argue with each other. The show used to be Just exploring female models, but these two seasons started to Include male models. Undoubtedly, as long as the show Involves males and females, It always contains the sexual relationship which appealing to audience.TV viewers need omitting that can thrill them In front of television as well as color their lives, and such stagy dramas exactly give them what they want. Nowadays, the unreal reality shows are more rampant than before, and the twisted thoughts, which convey through the shows that we watch everyday, have imperceptibly influenced our interpretations toward the reality in our minds and in Greener to explain how the reality shows affect viewers in different groups. For the most interesting part is how Waters analyzes that most of the occupations that we see in the reality shows are entertainers, athletes, and businessmen.A mere 6 to 10 percent of television characters hold blue-collar or service Job vs.. About 60 percent in th e real work force† (Water 139), we can see the imbalance between the shows and the reality that will cause the misleading notion for teenagers before having Jobs. One of the noteworthy reality show, Keeping Up with the Sardinian, most of the stars in this show are famous entertainers and live a affluence life, but they still keep complaining about some trivial things. Every episode focuses on each of their daily lives, their parties, weddings, shopping, and working.Those extravagant expenses on everything gradually twist the value of viewers, making those young people to think about that being an entertainer can easily make lots of money and own a life like the Sardinian. Just like what Waters states, muff almost never see the farmer, the factory worker, or the small businessman† (Waters 140). The misleading thoughts from the reality shows barely give the truth of the real world that we have to face, and those thoughts especially root in adolescents' minds.The reality sh ows is indispensable for the mass media nowadays since we canto eve without them anymore, and we also can barely avoid them when we turn on the TV. Reality shows seem to conform to every type of TV programs include adventure shows, celebrity shows, competition shows, and hidden camera shows etc. We find ourselves deeply addicted to season after season of reality shows, and TV producers make our dreams come true. The reality show isn't Just a pure entertainment in our free time, but become a habit in our lives. More dramatic plots are premeditated for the audience, the higher rating the show will get from the viewers.

Reality TV Shows Essay

The reality TV is a television genre, usually on a feuilleton mode, the daily life of anonymous or celebrities. So it is Type of television show that take the life of one of celebrities or anonymous as a subject , whereupon come into contact with reality through presenting of facts in a manner most likely devoid of any goal, but the goal of truth itself. Reality shows often borrow from other television genres such as documentary, game, variety or fiction. The reality TV could gain a large number of viewers because of the modern TV show methods and the way where it approach of people’s lives and their dreams. In addition to the use of modern methods in the announcement of the programs and the desire to provoke and thrill viewers to keep watching it. TV stations followed the method of engaging viewers in this kind of TV shows through voting via SMS and the Internet, and this method make these stations earn a lot of viewers and advertisers, and thus enormous financial benefits. Reality TV programs are very profitable because the cost of production is very low and the TV channels are gaining a lot of money through SMS sent by viewers to eliminate or save a particular candidate. One cannot deny that this type of TV show is used seduction and temptation in many of its parts, and the goal is clear to everyone is to attract teenagers in particular, and in addition to those looking for entertainment watching this kind of TV shows. And therefore it is not reasonable that all what appears in those shows are the reality and truth with the utmost impartiality. And it’s good to recognize that the producers of this type of TV Shows are interfering in some detail canvassers offer candidates a dramatic way and sometimes comedy way at other times and the ultimate goal is to make audience cling to these candidates. It is clear that this type of TV shows are a pure profit for each of the television stations and telecommunications companies that offer SMS services as well as to advertisers who are interested in eventually display their ads  within commercial peak period where the number of viewers upper margin.